Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Night Drinks - 10 October

The next Friday Night Drinks will be on 10 October at 8:00pm. This month we'll be meeting at the Bon Appetit French restaurant located on Miklosiceva 28. This will be a very special event, with free food and plenty of free drinks, thanks to our good friends at PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

We will have a free welcome drink for everyone who arrives between 8pm and 10pm.
As part of the kickoff for our brand new FND Global Network, we will also offer more free drinks for FNDers who sign up and create an online profile:

The 1st 40 Fnders to sign up will get one additional free drink!
The 1st 20 Fnders to sign up will get two additional free drinks!

And these are not cheap free drinks, but good quality French wine!

Remember to also sign up for the Ljubljana group and any other groups you would like to follow... and please post a picture and a few details about yourself. We would like to encourage more contacts and open discussion between members of the FND community. Remember, membership has its privileges!

See you all next Friday at Bon Appetit... remember to mark the 10th on your calendar and also invite your friends to join us!

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