Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Friday Night Drinks Report # 46

Thanks to all who turned up for this month's Friday Night Drinks last weekend at the Dvorni Bar. We had a very enjoyable evening with a great turnout, and a good number of new FNDers this month as well! As usual, our reliable FND photographer Ian Middleton has posted some great photos of the evening online. You can also find plenty of older photos on the FND Flicker site.

If you haven't already done so, remember to sign up for FND-related announcements on the FND website or on the FND Facebook page.

Also, remember that St. Patrick's day is Tonight! Our fellow FNDer Joan and her good friends from the Irish dancing school will be hosting their annual St. Patrick's day party starting at 8pm tonight, and all FNDers are welcome. The party will be held at Exen on Ljubljanska cesta 25 in Siska.

We hope to see you later tonight, or if not... then at FND next month!

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