Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Friday Night Drinks Report # 39

Thanks to all who turned up for Friday Night Drinks at the Vale-Novak bookstore and AS Lounge in Ljubljana last Friday. We'd like to thank Vale-Novak for sponsoring the free champagne for the event. We had very enjoyable evening, starting with a 'colorfully' entertaining book presentation by Erica Johnson-Debeljak. All copies of her book Forbidden Bread were sold out during the event, so if you were unable to get your hands on one, you can still order a copy online, and the bookstore also promised to have more in stock by next week.

As usual, we've posted a few photos of the evening up on the FND photo blog as well as some additional pics on the FND Facebook group. We look forward to seeing everyone again next month... more details will be announced on the website and by email.


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