Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February's Friday Night Drinks

Attention FNDers!

The next Friday Night Drinks will be happening next Friday, February 22nd. We'll be meeting at 8pm at the Dvorni Bar, located on Dvorni trg (nearby the Philharmonic). It's the same location where we kicked off our infamous Pub Crawl in December.

We'll be serving up some special tapas treats this month complements of our newest sponsor, the British International School of Ljubljana. The school will be opening in Bežigrad this September for Slovenian and foreign children aged 3 to 15 - visit for details.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Dvorni Bar next Friday. Be sure to mark the date on your calendar and pass the word along to any of your friends who might wish to join the fun... and be sure to show up early as we know the free tapas won't last all night!

1 comment:

IM said...

It was a girl’s night, and usually we drink Champaign, but this time instead of Champaign one of the girls brought beautiful bright yellow bottles of The Margarita King…at first skeptical, me and my girls end up having great time sipping on best tasting margaritas… Luke