Tuesday, February 13, 2007

FND Report # 16, Feb 9, 2007

Last Friday was a rockin'-good time at the Premier Pub. We filled up the place quite well with a hefty turnout of 60+ FNDers. As usual, we've got some photos of the evening up on the official FND Photo Blog, so if you weren't there Friday, come and check out the fun you missed! Special thanks to Mark at Sloveniarelo.com for sponsoring the initial free rounds of drinks, as well as to the pub for passing around free shots of boronicevec.

For next month, we are planning a really big FND event that you won't want to miss. We have a generous new sponsor who will be ponying up for some serious food and drinks for everybody, so tell all your friends and mark the 16th of March on your calendar. And remember that at midnight, St. Patrick's day will officially begin, which presents even more reason to celebrate! The following night, on Saturday, March 17, Joan McIntyre will once again organize a fantastic St Patrick's day event starting at 8pm at the Emonska klet pub, and all FNDers are welcome. Anyone who attended last year's event will know that this is something not to be missed!

Further details will be available on the FND website in due time and also in our email invitation. Remember to send us contact info for any of your friends who would like to join the mailing list.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day and see you again next month!


Monday, February 5, 2007

February's Friday Night Drinks

This month's Friday Night Drinks will be happening this coming Friday, Feb 9 at 8:30 pm at the Premier Pub, located on Petkovskovo nabrezje (opposite the river from the main marketplace). Look for the FND logo by the entrance to the pub... we'll have pretty much the entire pub reserved this time.

It's been quite some time since we've had an event at one of Ljubljana's 'traditional' style pubs, so I'm sure that many of you will be looking forward to the evening. The pub has offered all FNDers a free welcome drink (unfortunately, some sweet, sugary poison). Thankfully, our good friend Mark from Sloveniarelo.com has volunteered to step up and sponsor some additional free drinks, and he'll also bring along a few polo shirts to give away as well. His drinks will be first come, first served, so be sure to arrive early!

So come and join us this Friday at the Premier Pub, and be sure to spread the word and invite a friend or two. We all look forward to seeing you there!


FND Report # 15, Jan 5th 2007

January's FND at the Bachus wine bar was a terrific event! Just 5 days into the new year, a lively crowd turned up for a wonderful evening of post holiday cheer. The new location worked out perfectly, so we expect that we will return here again in the future. As usual, we've got great photos of the evening up on the FND Photo Blog.

We'd like to thank the Bachus Center for sponsoring the free welcome drinks. And special thanks also to our outgoing friends Nico & Sunita for sponsoring 50 free drinks! We all wish them well in their new jobs in India.

Jim and I would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2007, and we look forward to seeing all of you again in February. Further details will be available on the FND website and also in our email invitation. Remember to send us contact info for any of your friends who would like to be on the mailing list.

See you next month!
