Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday Night Drinks Report # 54

Thanks to all who turned up last week for Friday Night Drinks at Hugo Barrera. We had a very interesting crowd this month and another lively performance by the Blow-up band.

Our usual FND photographer, Ian Middleton, wasn't able to make it last Friday (he just became a father!), but we were fortunate to have another FNDer with camera. A big thanks to Miroslava Andric for taking some great photos, which you can see on our facebook page. You can find more samples of her work here.

Thanks also to Hugo Barrera for providing us with some free snacks and shots of B52s. We look forward to seeing everyone again next month. More details will follow by email and also on the FB page. Be sure to pass the word along to any friends who might like to join us!

PS: If anyone is interested, the Blow-up Band will be performing again tomorrow evening at Sputnik. We had an excellent FND at Sputnik last year (the dance floor was really a big hit!). Also, our friends the Smokin' Aliens will be back performing on March 25th. More info will follow!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday Night Drinks this Week at Hugo Barrera

February's Friday Night Drinks will be taking place this coming Friday, Feb 11 at the Hugo Barrera club -- located in the center of town just beside Preseren square and the main marketplace. We'll be starting as usual at about 8:30pm - if you are new to FND please look for us downstairs by the bar. This time we'll have another performance by Ernie and the gang from the Blow up band. We'll also try to arrange some free snacks for everyone (or maybe free B52s like last time? ;-), and keep in mind that if you'd like to chat and meet some new friends, please try to arrive early before the band starts cranking out their tunes at 9:30 or 10pm... after that, we'll be rockin' the nite away :-)

Be sure to mark the date on your calendar and pass the word along to any friends who might like to join us... we look forward to seeing you on Friday at Hugo Barrera!