Monday, March 17, 2008

Friday Night Drinks Report # 27

Thanks to all who turned up for our special live music event last Friday at Emonska Klet. We had a great turnout with more than 100 FNDers present, and the band was excellent. We'd like to thank Steve from Ernst & Young for sponsoring the free food and helping to compensate the musicians, as well as the US embassy who provided the sound equipment and helped in bringing the band to Slovenia as part of their America Days festival.

As usual we have some great photos of the evening up on the FND photo blog... as well as a short video of the hilarious late-night comedy performance at the Guinness Laughter Lounge.

We hope to see you all again next month... Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!

FND After Hours

Here's a brief peak at last Friday's opening night performance of Glen Wool at the Guinness Laughter Lounge in Ljubljana.

Monday, March 10, 2008

FND this Friday with Banjo Band + More!

The next Friday Night Drinks will be happening this Friday, March 14th. We'll be meeting at 8pm at the Emonska Klet Pub, located at plečnikov trg 1 (nearby the underpass between Kongresni trg and Maximarket).

We'll be serving up some special treats this month complements of our sponsor Ernst & Young
, including a live band called Bill Bailey's Banjos from the US, who are here in Slovenia as part of the America Days festival. We will also likely have some free food for those who come early... and to top everything off, Gerry will be giving away free tickets to the premier performance of an Irish Comedy Club (the comedy act will start at 11:30pm for those who are interested).

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Emonska Klet on Friday. Be sure to mark the date on your calendar and pass the word along to any of your friends who might wish to join the fun!